Seminars for the professional public
We give lectures for healthcare professionals.
Seminars for professionals in the fields of healthcare, social work, psychology, psychotherapy, etc., enhance their competence in supporting clients and treating mental health related to eating disorders.
Seminars for high school and elementary school students
We provide preventive talks directly at your school.
PPP jsou stále častější zejména mezi žáky druhého stupně ZŠ a SŠ, a proto nabízíme oddělené besedy pro dívky a chlapce.
Seminars for the general public
We give lectures to the public about basic awareness of eating disorders.
The seminar provides information about recognizing the signs and symptoms of eating disorders, current diagnostic and treatment methods, and assistance for those who suffer from these disorders.
Seminars for the teaching staff
We train educators on the prevention and intervention of eating disorders.
Semináře pro pedagogické sbory poskytnou základní informace o PPP a naučí pracovníky identifikovat příznaky a pracovat s žáky ohroženými či již bojujícími s PPP.
Upcoming workshops
On October 4, 2023, another professional seminar on eating disorders will take place in Ústí nad Labem.
- An International seminar with our partner from Norway is coming up soon.

Completed workshops
On October 19, 2022, we organized a seminar on eating disorders in Ústí nad Labem, led by a duo of lecturers, Mgr. Hana Heindorferová and PhDr. David Cichák.
The seminar provided information about the symptoms, causes, and dynamics of eating disorders. Another part was dedicated to case studies. Participants received professional materials.
- 29 participants from the ranks of educators, psychologists, social workers, and others attended the seminars.
Contact us
If you are interested in more information about organizing a lecture for your school or teaching staff, or participating in our seminar for professionals or the general public, do not hesitate to fill out our form.